
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Chemical Industry AREA SEWERAGE-PHASE 2 Qatar 2006 Flowtite
ROAD& PARKING WITH SEWERAGE, STR. United Arab Emirates 2006 Flowtite
AL KHOR SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLNT United Arab Emirates 2006 Flowtite
AL KHOR SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLNT United Arab Emirates 2006 Flowtite
ROAD& PARKING WITH SEWERAGE, STR. United Arab Emirates 2006 Flowtite
Alto Tunititlan 3ra Etapa Mexico 2006 408 600 14 5000 Flowtite
Acueducto El Mangal Mexico 2006 4189 450 | 600 16 2500 Flowtite
Hofgeismar, Regenwasser Staukanal Germany 2006 30 10000 Flowtite
Bicinicco (Udine) Italy 2006 4440 300 | 300 10 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Hagen Hengstey, Sanierung Wasserwerk Germany 2006 500 800 | 800 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Recklinghausen, Neubau Schule Belüftungsleitung Germany 2006 200 2200 | 2200 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
A6 Vienna-Bratislava, Brückentwässerung Slovakia 2006 1.425 150 | 200 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Cruceni irrigation sistem ( R284) Romania 2006 270 150 | 1400 6 | 6 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Darmanesti water supply project ( R29) Romania 2006 590 600 | 1000 10 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Fjallgrycksbo kraftstation Sweden 2006 342 700 | 700 1 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Cheyenne, WY United States of America 2006 1200 Flowtite
Infra. Eje Viaro de Conexión entre Terminales. F2 Spain 2006 192 500 | 500 16 | 16 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
CTCC As Pontes Spain 2006 1200 450 | 2800 6 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Water Tank 3 Hermagor Austria 2006 100 3000 | 3000 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
V2 Spain 2006 950 1000 | 1000 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
UTE ISLAS BALEARES Spain 2006 200 800 | 800 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Urbanización interior de la Nueva Factoría de Heineken en Sevilla Spain 2006 2100 300 | 500 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Universidad de Burgos San Amaro Spain 2006 500 700 | 2000 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Saneamiento en Cardona Spain 2006 120 800 | 1600 1 | 1 2500 | 5000 Flowtite
Saneamiento En Navia Spain 2006 3640 300 | 2000 1 | 1 2500 | 5000 Flowtite
S 7 Spain 2006 500 1600 | 1600 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Regadío sistema Segarra Garrigues Sector 2 Spain 2006 17627 400 | 1300 6 | 16 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Regadío sistema Segarra Garrigues Sect.1-Arteria C Spain 2006 7000 400 | 1200 6 | 16 5000 | 5000 Flowtite