
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Whites Branch Forcemain United States of America 2013 9440 Flowtite
Milton Wastewater Treatment Plant United States of America 2013 360 Flowtite
Skookum Penstock – Phase II Canada 2013 8300 Flowtite
Ballard Siphon United States of America 2013 1400 Flowtite
Government Cut United States of America 2013 1920 Flowtite
Medina River Segment 4 United States of America 2013 24050 Flowtite
Conway Pump Station United States of America 2013 3600 Flowtite
Northshore to Channel Forcemain United States of America 2013 100 Flowtite
4th Avenue – Slauson Rehabilitatino United States of America 2013 6450 Flowtite
Crabtree Interceptor United States of America 2013 17110 Flowtite
Beaumont Outfall Rehab Phase III United States of America 2013 10680 Flowtite
Hydropower Plant KW Kleinarl Austria 2013 3940 1400 | 1400 6 | 10 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Abwasser Druckrohrleitung Wilhelmshaven Germany 2013 5700 1200 | 1200 6 | 6 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Wasserkraftwerk Wiesen, Italien Germany 2013 1950 2000 | 2000 6 | 10 50000 Flowtite
300 m³ Trinkwasserbehälter Naila, Marlesreuth Germany 2013 2 3000 | 3000 1 | 1 5000 Flowtite
380 m³ Trinkwasserbehälter Steingaden Germany 2013 3 3000 | 3000 1 | 1 5000 Flowtite
Wasserkraftwerk Allgäu Germany 2013 111 2000 | 3000 1 | 6 2500 | 5000 Flowtite
Hydropower Plant Rondchâtel Switzerland 2013 380 1600 | 1600 10 | 10 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Wasserkraftwerk Gutach Germany 2013 108 2000 | 2000 2 | 2 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
60 m³ Trinkwasserbehälter Erlbach Germany 2013 3000 1 Flowtite
650 m³ Trinkwasserbehälter Tübingen, Hagelloch Germany 2013 3 3000 | 3000 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Relining Sonderprofil Parabolic Erbachgewölbe   Germany 2013 162 2004 | 2004 Flowtite
Relining Maulprofil Unna, Kortelbach           Germany 2013 48 1400 | 1400 Flowtite
Hydropower Plan Urslau Austria 2013 1803 1800 | 1800 6 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Hydropower Plant Schwarzenssebach Austria 2013 1200 1400 | 1400 6 | 6 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Hydropower Plant Troepolach Austria 2013 1300 1100 | 1400 6 | 20 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Interceptor margen Ferrol Tramo:Gándara – Cadaval Spain 2013 827 600 | 1600 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Abast. canal Cataluña y Aragón – embalse de Fraga Spain 2013 2166 400 | 700 6 | 6 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
UTE Catoira E.A.A.V. Tramo: Vilagarcia de Arousa Spain 2013 534 1000 | 1200 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Canal de Belagua en Isaba (Navarra) Spain 2013 228 1600 | 1600 10 | 10 5000 | 5000 Flowtite