
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Tunnel pipeline Sachseln Switzerland 1994 5000 300 2500 Hobas
Pressure pipe for hydroelectric power plants Tegernsee Germany 1994 222 350 6 5000 Hobas
Pressure pipe for hydroelectric power plants Ramsau Germany 1994 330 500 4 | 6 10000 Hobas
Pressure pipe for hydroelectric power plants Wolfsberger Austria 1994 355 600 6 5000 Hobas
Pressure pipe for hydroelectric power plants Wildschönau Austria 1994 250 350 10 5000 Hobas
Pressure pipe for hydroelectric power plants Branau am Inn Austria 1994 330 500 4 | 6 5000 | 10000 Hobas
Landfill Heubach-Buch Germany 1994 110 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Landfill Rostock (Parkentin) Germany 1994 350 250 1 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Wittenberge Germany 1994 140 300 | 600 10 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Westerland Germany 1994 500 1 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Waging am See Germany 1994 500 400 | 600 | 800 1 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Stuttgart-Plieninge Germany 1994 350 300 | 900 1 5000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Stralsund Germany 1994 1194 300 | 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Roskow Germany 1994 1800 500 1 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Rastatt Germany 1994 24 800 1 5000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Prenzlau Germany 1994 204 350 | 800 6 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Parchim Germany 1994 167 200 | 600 10 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Northeim Germany 1994 114 200 6 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Neu Kaliß Germany 1994 60 300 10 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Hoppenwalde Germany 1994 625 200 | 600 6 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Heukewalde Germany 1994 300 250 1 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Hessisch Oldendorf Germany 1994 132 500 1 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Heide Germany 1994 312 300 | 700 6 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Hagenow Germany 1994 278 300 | 600 10 10000 Hobas
Wastewater treatment plant Diebholz Germany 1994 130 200 | 350 1 5000 | 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Singen (West) Germany 1994 280 300 1 5000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Singen (Münchriedstraße) Germany 1994 180 700 1 5000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Knappenrode Germany 1994 150 200 1 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Gransee Germany 1994 350 350 10 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Dewitz Germany 1994 100 200 1 10000 Hobas