
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Königssee Germany 1999 1210 500 1 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Köditz Germany 1999 500 500 1 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Hammerbrücke Germany 1999 492 250 1 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Bad Brambach Germany 1999 120 200 1 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Bundesautobahn A9 Germany 1999 670 500 1 10000 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Aidlingen-Dachtal Germany 1999 480 300 | 1400 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Köthen Germany 1999 395 300 | 500 | 600 | 700 Hobas
Relining Recklingshausen-Suderwich Germany 1999 300 600 1 5000 Hobas
Relining Dortmund Germany 1999 250 400 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Reuna Germany 1999 50 700 1 5000 Hobas
Relining Pfullingen Germany 1999 240 700 1 5000 Hobas
Relining Nürnberg Germany 1999 72 800 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Hamburg (Elbchaussee) Germany 1999 165 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Hamburg (Berzeliusstraße) Germany 1999 530 1400 1 5000 Hobas
Relining Elmshorn Germany 1999 438 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Lüneburg Germany 1999 46 600 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Bremen (Flughafen) Germany 1999 96 1100 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Hamburg (Veddeler Damm) Germany 1999 1530 1100 | 1400 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Hamburg (Schweimlerstraße) Germany 1999 440 1100 | 1200 1 5000 | 10000 Hobas
Relining Hamburg (Kirchenallee) Germany 1999 342 350 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Hamburg (Glockgießer Wall) Germany 1999 54 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Dresden (Bypaß) Germany 1999 84 800 1 10000 Hobas
Relining Stuttgart (Leuzebad) Germany 1999 350 2000 1 5000 Hobas
Relining Böblingen (Heinkelstraße) Germany 1999 1720 1 Hobas
Jacking Haldensleben (Gerickestraße) Germany 1999 110 500 Hobas
Jacking Rosenheim (Westerndorf) Germany 1999 230 200 Hobas
Jacking Rosenheim (Westerndorf) Germany 1999 200 300 Hobas
Jacking Langenburg-Nesselbach Germany 1999 40 1000 Hobas
Jacking Rosenheim-Pank Germany 1999 270 250 Hobas
Sewage pressure pipeline Peine Germany 1999 210 400 | 1000 10 10000 Hobas