
Link Country Year Total Length [m] Nominal Diameter DN [mm] Nominal Pressure PN [bar] Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2] Technology PDF
Ljubljana Livarska cesta Sewer Slovenia 2018 180 400 | 500 1 10000 Hobas
Ljubljana C0 collector and Medvode Vodice sewer Slovenia 2018 44517 1200 | 1280 | 1000 | 800 1 10000 | 15000 | 5000 | 128000 Amiblu
Ljubljana Zaloška cesta 2. faza sewer Slovenia 2018 2130 200 | 250 | 300 | 400 1 10000 Flowtite
Bevško sewer Slovenia 2018 306 300 | 400 1 10000 Hobas
Microtunneling Vodice Slovenia 2018 105 500 1 200000 Hobas
Lidl Arja vas Celje Slovenia 2018 3413 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 1 10000 Hobas
Ajdovščina WWTP Slovenia 2018 30 1200 1 10000 Hobas
High-performance double sewer line with Hobas GRP France 2018-2019 105 800 | 1434 | 1026 1 10000 Hobas
GRP pipes and shafts by Amiblu excel big time in small space Germany 2018 125 2300 1 10000 Flowtite
Amiblu non-circular pipe solution for surcharged sewer Germany 2018 70 Amiblu
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Vidin Bulgaria 2018 444 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 1 10000 | 15000 Hobas
Philip Kutev Str. Bulgaria 2018 421 1800 1 10000 Hobas
Record sewer jacking with Flowtite pipes in Poznań Poland 2016-2018 4118 (jacking) 706 (open trench) 1499 | 1720 | 850 | 1400 1 | 10 32000 | 80000 | 50000 | 10000 Flowtite
GRP Cooling water system for power plant Jaworzno Poland 2017-2018 5000 3600 | 2400 | 1800 10 10000 Flowtite
NC relining in L.A. with GRP pipes made in Poland United States of America 2018 3660 Flowtite
Pipe jacking under Dutch highway Netherlands 2018 150 1280 160000 Hobas
Kite-shaped GRP upgrade for Wilhelmshaven’s city sewer Germany 2017 320 1500 10000 Flowtite
XL Hobas GRP storage tank installed in Austria Austria 2018 880 3000 | 1000 | 200 Hobas
Optimum solids retention with 190 m² Amiscreen Germany 2018 600 Flowtite
Stormwater retention with Hobas pipes in hilly Netherlands Netherlands 2018 154 2200 | 3000 Hobas
GRP sewer pipes installed in Luxembourgian nature reserve Luxembourg 2018 1280 1200 Flowtite
Frohnleiten BA 29 Austria 2017 214 1500 | 1000 1 10000 Hobas
AVBN ARA Erweiterung BA 11 (DA Qualität) Austria 2017 687 600 | 700 | 1000 | 1200 1 10000 Hobas
AVBN Transportkanal Ost BA 10 Stauraumkanal/Storage Sewer, DA Austria 2017 15 1400 1 10000 Hobas
Reconstruction Sewage Slivnitsa Str. Bulgaria 2017 12 1400 1 10000 Hobas
Reconstruction of sewage Novi Iskar Bulgaria 2017 30 500 1 10000 Hobas
Integrated water cycle Pleven – city of Dolna Mitropolia Bulgaria 2017 673 900 | 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Hobas GRP pipes for project Babice, ul. Zběhy Czech Republic 2017 268 300 | 400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Hobas
Hobas GRP pipes for project Boskovice, MŠ Bílkova Czech Republic 2017 50 300 1 10000 Hobas
Hobas GRP pipes for project Brno Ponava – areál Sportovní Czech Republic 2017 131 800 1 10000 Hobas