Presentation Homepage

LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Amiblu non-circular pipe solution for surcharged sewer Germany 2018 70 Amiblu
First CSO chamber on Austrian soil successfully installed Austria 2018 10 1200 | 900 | 800 | 600 1 10000 Amiblu Hobas
Pipe jacking under Dutch highway Netherlands 2018 150 1280 160000 Hobas
Kite-shaped GRP upgrade for Wilhelmshaven’s city sewer Germany 2017 320 1500 10000 Flowtite
Optimum solids retention with 190 m² Amiscreen Germany 2018 600 Flowtite
Stormwater retention with Hobas pipes in hilly Netherlands Netherlands 2018 154 2200 | 3000 Hobas
Turning ocean into drinking water with Amiblu GRP Mexico 2017-2018 12270 500 | 1000 10 5000 Flowtite
GRP sewer pipes installed in Luxembourgian nature reserve Luxembourg 2018 1280 1200 Flowtite
Multi-purpose top-performance GRP culvert for Switzerland Switzerland 2018 20 1800 20000 Hobas
Hobas and Flowtite “double feature” in the Netherlands Netherlands 2018 each 70 m 1300 | 1400 | 1600 Flowtite Hobas
Amiblu GRP pipes for stormwater drainage system at Kraków Airport Poland 2017-2019 6000 1000 | 1280 6 | 1 10000 | 20000 | 32000 | 40000 Flowtite Hobas
Premiere for Flowtite Orange by Amiblu in Switzerland Switzerland 2018 130 500 1 5000 Flowtite
Bournemouth, H₂S corroded sewer restoration with Flowtite relining pipes United Kingdom 2018 200 1600 1 10000 Flowtite
805 m³ storage chamber with Amiscreen installed in Bavaria Germany 2018 3000 1 10000 Amiblu
Amiblu secures sugar cane crop in Cameroon Cameroon 2017-2018 16260 350 | 500 | 700 | 800 10 | 16 | 25 5000 Flowtite
Sewer rehabilitation with Hobas GRP pipes Germany 2017 485 1720 | 1000 | 3000 1 Hobas
Hobas GRP pipes for Siemens Mega Project in Egypt Egypt 2016-2017 260 2500 | 600 4 5000 Hobas
First Hobas CSO chamber south of the Alps successfully installed Switzerland 2017 8 800 | 450 1 10000 Hobas
Laxa II Hydropower Plant Iceland 2011 348 4000 10 5000 Flowtite
Large Diameter Sewer Relining with NC Line in Southern France France 2017 6400 Non-Circular 1
How much pipe is used for the world’s largest desalination plant? Saudi Arabia Flowtite
Record Size Microtunnelling with HOBAS CC-GRP Pipes De 3270 in Poland Poland 2014 3204 3270 1 64000 Hobas
Hobas supplies non-circular industrial profiles for Smurfit Kappa Paper Mill in Upper Austria Austria 2015 345 Non-Circular Hobas
280 m³ Potable Water Tank Installed in Thal, Austria Austria 2015 3000 Hobas
Sewer line brought back to service with non-circular Hobas GRP Profiles Netherlands 2015 277 Non-Circular Hobas
Customized NC Hobas Profiles for Sewer Rehabilitation near Paris France 2015 1400 Non-Circular Hobas
Hobas CC-GRP Culverts DN 3000 Jacked Under Railway Poland 2014 136 3000 1 40000 | 64000 Hobas
Hobas GRP Cooling Water Pipeline for voestalpine Steel Plant Austria 2015 120 1700 6 10000 Hobas
First HOBAS CSO Chamber in Germany Germany 2013 30 1600 1 5000 | 10000 Hobas
Renovation of interceptor sewer with large-diameter NC Line profiles in Bruchsal, DE Germany 2013 180 Non-Circular