Potable Water

LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
PROJECT # 17 JULY SCHOOL AREA Yemen 2006 7506 150 | 300 Flowtite
SUPPLY OF D.I.PIPES & Yemen 2006 1614 150 | 300 Flowtite
PRESIDENT ALI ABDULLAH SALEH Yemen 2006 4734 100 | 200 Flowtite
SAELA -SUPPLY OF D.I.P & Yemen 2006 Flowtite
SHARAF YEMEN PROJECT Yemen 2006 Flowtite
Hagen Hengstey, Sanierung Wasserwerk Germany 2006 500 800 | 800 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Darmanesti water supply project ( R29) Romania 2006 590 600 | 1000 10 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Linea a Presi Norte Mexico 2005 550 600 | 600 6 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Alto Tunitiplán 2da. parte Mexico 2005 900 600 | 600 14 | 14 2500 | 2500 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Bucharest (R171 Romania 2005 1248 600 | 600 10 | 10 Flowtite
Water supply in Bucharest (R178) Romania 2005 354 600 | 600 10 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Oradea (R182) Romania 2005 750 300 | 300 10 | 10 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Bacau (R183) Romania 2005 500 200 | 200 Flowtite
Water supply in Timisoara (R19) Romania 2005 612 400 | 600 10 | 10 Flowtite
Water supply in Sibiu (R193) Romania 2005 564 80 | 300 10 | 10 Flowtite
Water supply in Constanta (R198) Romania 2005 728 400 | 400 10 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Rehabilitation of water supply in Botosani (R21) Romania 2005 5250 400 | 400 6 | 10 2500 | 5000 Flowtite
Water supply in Timisoara (R25) Romania 2005 444 400 | 800 10 | 10 Flowtite
Botosani and Alba water supply (R28) Romania 2005 3927 200 | 800 25 Flowtite
Water supply in Bacau (R216) Romania 2005 456 200 Flowtite
Water supply in Targoviste (R218) Romania 2005 180 400 | 400 6 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Water supply in Alba Iulia (R222) Romania 2005 2004 1100 | 1100 20 | 20 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Etzbach, Trinkwasserbehälter 280 m³ Germany 2005 85 2400 | 2400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Abastecimiento a Santander Spain 2005 22390 600 | 1600 6 | 20 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Acueducto Colli Nogales Mexico 2005 800 750 | 900 20 | 20 2500 | 2500 Flowtite
Kremenchuk Potable Water Project Ukraine 2005 600 300 10 2500 Flowtite
Komsomolsk Potable Water Project Ukraine 2005 545 300 | 500 6 5000 Flowtite
Edirne Süleoglu Potable Water Project Turkey 2005 2576 600 6 2500 Flowtite
Tekirdag Municipality Potable Water Project Turkey 2005 300 600 | 800 10 | 16 2500 Flowtite
Mardin Kızıltepe I.Part Potable Water Project Turkey 2005 29200 1200 10 | 16 2500 | 5000 Flowtite