Open Trench

LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Supply of D.I. Pipes and -Qa, QATAR Qatar 2001 500 400 | 400 Flowtite
Tender # GTC/9/2 (AL Hawa Est. Qatar 2001 Flowtite
Supple of D.I. Pipes Supplement, SYRIA Syria 2001 185400 100 | 400 Flowtite
Supply of .I. Pipes & Supplement, SYRIA Syria 2001 67200 100 | 400 Flowtite
Supply of D.I. Pipes & Supplement, SYRIA Syria 2001 Flowtite
Abu Dhabi Trip Cont. AW:A2 to IP-1, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 684 80 | 150 Flowtite
ADSS/185/3D/M, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 Flowtite
Al-Taweelah A1- Cont. 14-1, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 432 200 | 300 Flowtite
Al-Wagan & Saih AlReih H2O Proj, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 79500 100 | 600 Flowtite
Al-Wagan, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 138 200 | 200 Flowtite
Baaya Sila & Ghuwaifat & STP Proj., UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 Flowtite
Cont No. D-1-24 Saif Bin Zayed, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 8150 100 | 300 Flowtite
Cont. No. D-1-79 Water Line Con., UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 1600 100 | 100 Flowtite
Cont. No. D-1-99 Water Sypply, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 8850 150 | 600 Flowtite
Contract No. D–39 Repl. 6mm, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 2504 600 | 600 Flowtite
D.1.16 Urgent Impr. Stage -3, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 2750 150 | 300 Flowtite
D–276 Urgent Work at Palace, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 3702 100 | 200 Flowtite
Desalination Plant for Fujaira , UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 Flowtite
Fujairah Fresh Water Production Co., UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 Flowtite
Internal Roads for 2 Low, Cont. # 5, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 25676 80 | 300 Flowtite
Mirfa Project, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 Flowtite
Water Supply Cont. # D-1-24, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 4340 100 | 200 Flowtite
Zulfi Sewage Treatment Plant, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 Flowtite
Delma Sewerage Sys. Proj.211, UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 Flowtite
Ghayathi Sewerage & Irrigation Sys., UAE United Arab Emirates 2001 Flowtite
8417 Main Court Bldg. – Riyadh, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 Flowtite
Additional Toilet Bl. PH 3 & 4 – Arafat, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 119090 100 | 400 Flowtite
INSTALLATION OF WATER LINE KUDAI, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 2752 100 | 500 Flowtite
RELOCATION OF HO2 TRANSMISION LINE, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 32454 300 | 600 Flowtite
New Arcent – Ku Installation Zone 1, KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 14206 80 | 300 Flowtite