Open Trench

LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Water Project Madinah, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 Flowtite
Water Project makkah, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 Flowtite
Water Projects Madinah, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 Flowtite
Water Supply for K.A.A. Hosp. Taif, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 504 150 | 150 Flowtite
Water Trans. Fr. Yanbu to Al-Bahar, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 7190 300 | 300 Flowtite
WSD – Riyadh Project, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 1020 300 | 600 Flowtite
WSD Proj. in South Riyadh Area, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 Flowtite
WSD Unaizah Brand Project, KSA Saudi Arabia 2001 Flowtite
839/99-2 (Combined Group), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 Flowtite
A. H./M. Proj.PAHC/92/2-21(UGCC), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 30138 100 | 250 Flowtite
Cement Factory – Kuwait Kuwait 2001 Flowtite
DI Pipes and Fitting Supply, KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 414 100 | 300 Flowtite
K.N.P.C./S.K.E.C Project, KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 246 150 | 400 Flowtite
PAHC/84/99-2 South Jahra Infrt., KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 Flowtite
PAHC/C/838/99-2 (U.G.C.C.), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 132 300 | 400 Flowtite
PAHC/C/841-99/2 (South Jahra), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 600 100 | 150 Flowtite
PAHW (H.O.T.), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 3620 100 | 200 Flowtite
PAHW Block 4 (H.O.T.), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 35580 100 | 400 Flowtite
PAHW West Jleeb Blk. 4 (H.O.T.), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 Flowtite
PAHW/837-99/2 (South Doha), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 120 250 | 250 Flowtite
PAHW/C/837-99/2 (South Doha), KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 4458 100 | 250 Flowtite
West Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Block 2, KUWAIT Kuwait 2001 Flowtite
Ain Al Bida Project, LEBANON Lebanon 2001 10600 300 | 300 Flowtite
Mouta Al-Fesalyah Tender No. 23, LEBANON Lebanon 2001 9600 300 | 300 Flowtite
Al-Masarat Water Supply – Oman, OMAN Oman 2001 7680 100 | 700 Flowtite
EBA 15/C1&Salmeen Roundabout, QATAR Qatar 2001 553 100 | 300 Flowtite
ERC/5-46/1 Al Amir Street – Alkhor, QATAR Qatar 2001 3945 100 | 600 Flowtite
Road Proj. in Qatar (21)-Galfar, QATAR Qatar 2001 12087 100 | 600 Flowtite
Supply D.I. Pipes & – Qatar Qatar 2001 132 400 | 400 Flowtite
Supply of D.I. Pipes & -Qatar Qatar 2001 Flowtite