Open Trench

LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Well Project MIL. School Al UAENIA, KSA Saudi Arabia 2002 1400 250 | 250 Flowtite
WSD – Riyadh Project (Proj. # 911), KSA Saudi Arabia 2002 750 300 | 700 Flowtite
WSD Water Project – 1, KSA Saudi Arabia 2002 4000 400 | 400 Flowtite
Yarim Water Supply & Sanitary Project, KSA Saudi Arabia 2002 4000 150 | 300 Flowtite
D.I. Pipes Supply – KUWAIT Kuwait 2002 3000 300 | 300 Flowtite
SE 12 (B2), KUWAIT Kuwait 2002 6094 400 | 700 Flowtite
Ain Yaacoub Barghache Project, LEBANON Lebanon 2002 40578 80 | 400 Flowtite
Cont. BA/2/L/1547 Supply & Installation, LEBANON Lebanon 2002 1854 400 | 600 Flowtite
Supply of D.I. Pipes & Supplement, LEBANON Lebanon 2002 41728 80 | 200 Flowtite
AL Khod Water Supply – Oman Oman 2002 2496 100 | 150 Flowtite
AL Masarrat Distribution – IBRI, OMAN Oman 2002 22990 400 | 600 Flowtite
Barkha Transmission Project – Oman Oman 2002 1278 500 | 500 Flowtite
Stock Order, OMAN Oman 2002 5616 150 | 600 Flowtite
ACEC – Messaieed / Army Project, QATAR Qatar 2002 3460 600 | 600 Flowtite
ACEC – Messaieed / Army Project, QATAR Qatar 2002 3698 100 | 600 Flowtite
Buzwair-New Custom Centre Cont. # 1,QATAR Qatar 2002 486 100 | 200 Flowtite
Dukhan Housing Project, QATAR Qatar 2002 1776 100 | 150 Flowtite
Education City for Qatar Foundation, QATAR Qatar 2002 Flowtite
EPIC of Ras Laffan Utilization Pproject, QATAR Qatar 2002 640 100 | 200 Flowtite
ERC 11/D3 Ring Road Qatar, QATAR Qatar 2002 2100 100 | 200 Flowtite
GTC 9/2 – QATAR Qatar 2002 7500 100 | 300 Flowtite
GTC/6/21 6MM Messaieed, QATAR Qatar 2002 16382 200 | 600 Flowtite
GTC/6/21 6MM Messaieed, QATAR Qatar 2002 10542 200 | 600 Flowtite
Voltage Al Udied Project, Package IV, QATAR Qatar 2002 Flowtite
Extension of Water Works Networks – SYRIA Syria 2002 49000 300 | 500 Flowtite
Supplu of D.I. Pipes & Supplement – SYRIA Syria 2002 33700 100 | 600 Flowtite
Supply of D.I. Pipes & Supplement, SYRIA Syria 2002 26260 80 | 700 Flowtite
Supply of D.I. Pipes & Supplement, SYRIA Syria 2002 1500 80 Flowtite
Appel D’Offers GPG No. 578/1 – TUNIS Tunisia 2002 15000 400 | 500 Flowtite
Appel D’Offers GPG No. 578/1 – TUNIS Tunisia 2002 5400 400 | 400 Flowtite