Open Trench

LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Extension of sewerage networks in Bacau (R249) Romania 2006 156 500 | 500 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Rehabilitation on Ana Ipatescu street ( R251) Romania 2006 2898 200 | 200 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage and water networks (R256) Romania 2006 3068 600 | 600 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Navodari (R257) Romania 2006 264 800 | 800 6 | 6 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Water supply in Timisoara (R258) Romania 2006 354 600 | 600 Flowtite
Water supply in Sibiu (R259) Romania 2006 312 400 | 400 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Deva (R26) Romania 2006 450 800 | 800 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Bucharest (R261) Romania 2006 220 500 | 600 1 | 1 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Ploiesti (R262) Romania 2006 156 350 | 400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Ploiesti (R263) Romania 2006 180 350 | 350 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Cluj Napoca (R264) Romania 2006 108 600 | 600 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Calarasi (R265) Romania 2006 540 700 | 700 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Pitesti (R267) Romania 2006 204 150 | 800 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewearge extension in Pucioasa (R27) Romania 2006 603 200 | 400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Baia Mare (R272) Romania 2006 84 1200 | 1200 1 | 1 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Oradea (R273) Romania 2006 174 600 | 600 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Galati (R276) Romania 2006 246 300 | 400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Water supply in Oradea (R277) Romania 2006 2960 600 | 600 10 | 10 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Oradea (R282) Romania 2006 474 300 | 500 1 | 1 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Oradea (R283) Romania 2006 300 300 | 300 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Bacau (R286) Romania 2006 666 200 | 1000 1 | 1 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Bucharest (R287) Romania 2006 300 500 | 500 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Iasi (R29) Romania 2006 800 600 | 600 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Water supply in Iasi (R292) Romania 2006 6520 400 | 500 6 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Irrigation networks in Tulcea (R294) Romania 2006 72 1200 | 1200 6 | 6 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Cernavoda (R296) Romania 2006 390 250 | 250 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Targoviste (R297 Romania 2006 666 600 | 1200 1 | 16 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Cluj Napoca Romania 2006 18 1000 1 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage extension in Cluj Napoca (R299) Romania 2006 342 400 | 800 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Bucharest (R3) Romania 2006 Flowtite