
Link Country Year Total Length [m] Nominal Diameter DN [mm] Nominal Pressure PN [bar] Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2] Technology PDF
Redesign Hanauer Str. West 1.2 BA Germany 2013 1000 | 1400 | 2000 1 10000 Hobas
Bachstr. 1 BA Germany 2013 700 | 1400 | 2200 1 10000 Hobas
Shaft Renovation Germany 2013 300 | 1000 1 20000 Hobas
Haupsammer Saarstr. Germany 2013 1000 | 1200 | 1600 1 10000 Hobas
Sewer pipeline Road Morat by Colmarienne company France 2013 5 1 10000 Hobas
Sewer pipeline for the Urban community of Dunkerque France 2013 20 1 10000 Hobas
Tank Vorarlberger Illwerke Austria 2013 600 | 700 10 5000 Hobas
Pump station Absdorf Wagram Austria 2013 3000 1 10000 Hobas
Hydropower plant Haringbach surge manhole flushing system Austria 2013 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Pump shaft Hermagor Austria 2013 2000 1 10000 Hobas
Hydropower plant Penz Austria 2013 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Collector Illwerke Austria 2013 2400 1 10000 Hobas
Pump station Stetten Austria 2013 2000 1 10000 Hobas
Standard manhole Aschbach Austria 2013 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Standard manhole Paudorf Austria 2013 1800 1 10000 Hobas
Pressure Release Shaft Senftenberg Austria 2013 2500 | 1000 1 5000 Hobas
Tangential shaft Südstrang Zeltweg Austria 2013 1100 | 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Pump station Halbturn Austria 2013 2000 1 10000 Hobas
Pump station Hardegg Austria 2013 1500 1 10000 Hobas
Pump station Hermagor Karnische Region Austria 2013 2000 1 10000 Hobas
Senftenberg Standard manhole Austria 2013 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Aschbach Standard manhole Austria 2013 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Hydropower plant Lehen 2 Tangential shaft Austria 2013 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Cheb – Zimmer Rohde Czech Republic 2013 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Nitra Krškany, sewerage Slovakia 2013 78 600 1 10000 Hobas
Trnava, stadion , sewerage Slovakia 2013 410 400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Hobas
Zadar, Visoka zona Croatia 2013 1055 600 | 2000 | 2200 | 240 1 10000 Hobas
Rijeka, Mavrinci i Bacine Croatia 2013 1392 200 | 250 | 300 1 5000 | 10000 Hobas
Pula, Valkane Croatia 2013 812 1200 1 5000 | 10000 Hobas
Pula, Šijana Croatia 2013 5547 200 | 300 | 1400 | 1800 1 10000 | 15000 Hobas