
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Zbiornik do ścieków komunalnych V = 1m3 Poland 2003 1600 | 1600 Flowtite
Zbiornik magazynowy wody pitnej V = 25m3 Poland 2003 2000 | 2000 Flowtite
Oczyszczalnia ścieków Gorzków – zbiornik odświeżania ścieków V = 18m3 Poland 2003 2000 | 2000 Flowtite
Zbiornik retencyjny wód opadowych V = 3m3 Poland 2003 2000 | 2000 Flowtite
Oczyszczalnia ścieków Gorzków – zbiornik-komora denitryfikacji V = 6m3 Poland 2003 3500 | 3500 Flowtite
Oczyszczalnia ścieków Gorzków – zbiornik-komora stabilizacji osadu V = 22m3 Poland 2003 2400 | 2400 Flowtite
Magistrala Południowa Poland 2003 48 900 | 900 10 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Budowa sieci cieplnej dla Centrum Handlowego Arkadia (Dworzec Gdański) Poland 2003 408 500 | 700 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Osiedle Nugat Poland 2003 115 350 | 400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Przepusty Południowa Bis Poland 2003 60 500 | 1400 1 | 1 10000 | 20000 Flowtite
SPEC Poland 2003 87 1000 | 1400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Bucharest sewer project (R9) Romania 2003 870 600 | 800 1 10000 Flowtite
Arad Bay Infrastructure Bahrain, BAHRAIN Bahrain 2003 Flowtite
5 IRON , FORMULA 1 Bahrain 2003 Flowtite
Cairo North power Station in Egypt, EGYPT Egypt 2003 1553 150 | 250 Flowtite
DISI Project Supply of DI Pipes – JORDAN Jordan 2003 14948 200 | 400 Flowtite
Just – Supply of D.I. Pipes , JORDAN Jordan 2003 9000 150 | 150 Flowtite
Aflaj Water Line Project, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 1416 200 | 600 Flowtite
Aflaj Water Line Project, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 Flowtite
Al Badayyah Project, Qassim, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 360 250 | 250 Flowtite
Al Hajar Mine Site Al Baha, SYRIA Saudi Arabia 2003 Flowtite
Al Hunnay W.T.L. C-2A, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 4308 250 | 400 Flowtite
Al Kharj Road Water Transmission, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 Flowtite
Al Kharj Road Water Transmission, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 47500 600 | 900 Flowtite
AL Kharj Water Line, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 10158 100 | 300 Flowtite
Al Khateeb Private Project Jeddah, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 1660 150 | 150 Flowtite
Al Marai Farm in Al Kharj, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 1614 100 | 250 Flowtite
AL Wazeriah South Jeddah, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 10000 300 | 300 Flowtite
AL Yatima Park Buraidah Project, KSA Saudi Arabia 2003 10000 300 | 500 Flowtite
AL-HUNNAY 2 W.T.L. – MoW Saudi Arabia 2003 1824 250 | 400 Flowtite