
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Orkanger Norway 1984 120 2000 | 2000 2 | 2 Flowtite
Aurland Kom. El. verk Norway 1984 30 1400 | 1400 2 | 2 Flowtite
Minihydro Malaysia 1983 1054 800 | 900 2 | 10 Flowtite
Minihydro Malaysia 1983 504 600 | 600 2 | 7 Flowtite
Minihydro Malaysia 1983 520 800 | 800 2 | 6 Flowtite
SG LA Minihydro Malaysia 1983 591 900 | 900 2 | 3 Flowtite
Minihydro Malaysia 1983 2700 600 | 1000 2 | 6 Flowtite
Egelands verk Norway 1983 730 800 | 800 2 | 6 Flowtite
Damman kraftverk Norway 1983 275 2200 | 2200 2 | 2 Flowtite
Flekkefjord El.verk Norway 1983 450 1200 | 1200 10 | 10 Flowtite
Nevada Power United States of America 1983 Flowtite
Midt-Gudbrandsdalen El. Verk Norway 1982 1600 1600 | 1800 6 | 16 Flowtite
Bjrsvik kraftverk Norway 1982 750 400 | 400 2 | 2 Flowtite
Hareide Kom. El. verk Norway 1982 750 400 | 400 2 | 2 Flowtite
Bjrsvik kraftverk Norway 1982 300 900 | 900 2 | 6 Flowtite
Vinjesvingen Norway 1982 116 1000 | 1000 2 | 2 Flowtite
Norsk Microturbin Norway 1982 12 600 | 600 2 | 2 Flowtite
Steam Generating Power Plant Saudi Arabia 1982 156 350 | 350 Flowtite
Public Service United States of America 1982 Flowtite
Southwestern Public Service Co. United States of America 1982 Flowtite
Waterflow United States of America 1982 Flowtite
Rosendal Norway 1981 245 600 | 700 6 | 10 Flowtite
Orkdal El. verk Norway 1981 150 800 | 800 2 | 2 Flowtite
Tosse Kraftverk Norway 1981 310 1600 | 1600 6 | 10 Flowtite
N.Tr. El. verk Norway 1981 440 600 | 600 2 | 10 Flowtite
Risyhavn Norway 1981 300 1200 | 1200 6 | 6 Flowtite
Tyristrand Norway 1981 504 800 | 800 6 | 6 Flowtite
Billerud Kraftverk Sweden 1981 150 2000 | 2000 25 | 25 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
E.I. Du Pont United States of America 1981 Flowtite
Badische Corp. United States of America 1981 Flowtite