
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Riyadh Ind. Estate Saudi Arabia 1978 3000 350 | 900 3 2500 Flowtite
Al-Khobar Sewer Saudi Arabia 1978 10000 500 | 1100 2500 Flowtite
Buraidah Sewers Saudi Arabia 1978 8000 400 | 1000 3 2500 Flowtite
Jeddah Ind. Estate Saudi Arabia 1978 1300 350 | 500 3 2500 Flowtite
Dhahran Saudi Arabia 1978 13500 400 | 800 3 2500 Flowtite
Stokkavann Norway 1977 50 1150 | 1150 1 | 1 Flowtite
Hareide Norway 1977 500 400 | 400 4 | 4 Flowtite
Vartdal Norway 1977 190 500 | 500 4 | 4 Flowtite
Sandal Norway 1977 400 900 | 900 1 | 1 Flowtite
Anker Batterier A/S Norway 1977 100 500 | 600 1 | 1 Flowtite
Stord Bartz Industrier Norway 1977 180 400 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Sandefjord kommune Norway 1977 1050 700 | 700 10 | 10 Flowtite
Levanger kommune Norway 1977 700 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Sogne kommune Norway 1977 375 600 | 700 1 | 1 Flowtite
Hovringen Renseanlegg Norway 1977 120 700 | 700 1 | 1 Flowtite
Norsk Hydro A/S Norway 1977 325 400 | 500 3 | 5 Flowtite
Tynset kommune Norway 1977 200 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Eidsfjordanlegget Norway 1977 170 600 | 600 1 | 1 Flowtite
Oslo Vann & Kloakkvesen Norway 1977 160 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Sildefiskernes Fabrikklag Norway 1977 100 400 | 600 1 | 1 Flowtite
De-No-Fa Lilleborg Norway 1977 150 400 | 600 1 | 1 Flowtite
Elkem Spigerverket Norway 1977 100 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Kvedfjord Sildojefrabrikk Norway 1977 100 600 | 1000 1 | 1 Flowtite
Horten Kommune Norway 1977 360 500 | 600 1 | 1 Flowtite
Saffa Park Water Supply Main United Arab Emirates 1977 1500 500 | 500 14 | 14 Flowtite
Indianapolis Power & Light United States of America 1977 Flowtite
Village of Fox Lake United States of America 1977 2744 1200 | 1200 Flowtite
Rivanna Pumping Station & Treatment Plant United States of America 1977 61 1500 | 1500 Flowtite
Hunter Station 1, Castledale, Utah United States of America 1977 1770 500 | 650 16 | 16 Flowtite
Catawba Nuclear Station United States of America 1977 939 600 | 750 2 | 2 Flowtite