
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
S.Rognlan Sildoljefabr. Norway 1978 110 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Norsk Hydro Porsgrunn Norway 1978 120 500 | 600 1 | 1 Flowtite
Ing. F. Selmer Norway 1978 100 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Tofte Cellulose Hurum Norway 1978 310 1000 | 1000 1 | 1 Flowtite
Aurefisk Norway 1978 126 700 | 700 4 | 4 Flowtite
Sjollingstad Ullv. Fabr. Norway 1978 80 900 | 900 4 | 4 Flowtite
Lovenskiold Fossum Norway 1978 80 2000 | 2000 2 | 2 Flowtite
Oslo Vann & Kloakkv Norway 1978 120 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Dammam Sewers Saudi Arabia 1978 26000 450 | 800 12 2500 Flowtite
Oland maltfabrikk Sweden 1978 120 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Oland Maltfabrikk Sweden 1978 120 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Sharjah Power Station Phase II United Arab Emirates 1978 1500 1800 | 2000 1 | 1 Flowtite
White Bluff Steam Station United States of America 1978 2263 500 | 750 3 | 7 Flowtite
Byron Nuclear Station United States of America 1978 8232 750 | 1200 10 | 17 Flowtite
Bethlehem Mines Corp., Mine #38 United States of America 1978 126 750 | 750 Flowtite
Hunter Station 1 & 2 United States of America 1978 2134 2250 | 2250 6 | 6 Flowtite
Alabama Electric Co. United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Corpus ChristiChemical Industry Co. United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Salt River Project United States of America 1978 137 1050 | 1050 2 | 2 Flowtite
U.S. Steel Homestead Works United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Dow Chemical Oyster Creek Div., Crude Processing Plant United States of America 1978 Flowtite
E.I. Du Pont United States of America 1978 Flowtite
GoodYear Tire & Rubber Co. United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Gulf Oil Chemicals United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Philipps Petroleum United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Rubilon Chemicals, Inc. United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Texas Eastman Co. United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Texas Eastman Co. United States of America 1978 Flowtite
U.S. Steel Homestead Works United States of America 1978 Flowtite
Dow Chemical United States of America 1978 Flowtite