
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Callaway Station United States of America 1983 692 1350 | 1800 3 | 3 Flowtite
Utah Power & Light Hunter 3 & 4 United States of America 1983 1985 2250 | 2250 6 | 6 Flowtite
Tolk Station United States of America 1983 5016 500 | 2500 1 | 30 Flowtite
Nevada Power United States of America 1983 Flowtite
Independence Station United States of America 1983 5244 450 | 900 19 | 32 Flowtite
Jubail 581-C22 Saudi Arabia 1983 660 500 | 500 12 Flowtite
PICA 16 Yanbu Saudi Arabia 1983 2000 400 | 1000 12 Flowtite
Jubail 75-C2 Saudi Arabia 1983 502 400 | 500 12 Flowtite
KKIA Saudi Arabia 1983 144 500 | 500 15 Flowtite
Tanajib Water Transmission 27118 Saudi Arabia 1983 17040 350 | 500 15 Flowtite
Jeddah Int. Airport Saudi Arabia 1983 3948 600 | 600 12 Flowtite
Jubail Cont. # 72-C2 Saudi Arabia 1983 408 350 | 400 12 Flowtite
Jubail Cont. # 72-C2 Saudi Arabia 1983 120 450 | 600 6 Flowtite
Water Supply Indonesia 1982 1500 500 | 500 10 | 10 Flowtite
Water Supply Indonesia 1982 2000 400 | 400 10 | 10 Flowtite
Sewerage Scheme Project Iraq 1982 6648 500 | 1400 1 | 1 Flowtite
Sarawak Electricity Kuching Malaysia 1982 760 600 | 600 6 | 6 Flowtite
Tjlling kommune Norway 1982 126 800 | 800 1 | 1 Flowtite
Midt-Gudbrandsdalen El. Verk Norway 1982 1600 1600 | 1800 6 | 16 Flowtite
Namsos Komm. Norway 1982 85 500 | 500 10 | 10 Flowtite
Notodden kommune Norway 1982 85 600 | 600 1 | 1 Flowtite
Drammen kommune Norway 1982 80 1000 | 1000 1 | 1 Flowtite
Krakery Kommune Norway 1982 100 800 | 800 1 | 1 Flowtite
Karistranda Norway 1982 80 900 | 900 1 | 1 Flowtite
Skytterdalen Norway 1982 570 500 | 500 1 | 1 Flowtite
Grimstad kommune Norway 1982 300 700 | 700 1 | 1 Flowtite
Bjrsvik kraftverk Norway 1982 750 400 | 400 2 | 2 Flowtite
Hareide Kom. El. verk Norway 1982 750 400 | 400 2 | 2 Flowtite
Bjrsvik kraftverk Norway 1982 300 900 | 900 2 | 6 Flowtite
Vinjesvingen Norway 1982 116 1000 | 1000 2 | 2 Flowtite