
LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Cernavoda Sewer Project ( R524) Romania 2009 2150 300 | 300 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Extension of sewerage networks in Ploiesti ( R536) Romania 2009 566 600 | 900 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Pitesti ( R538) Romania 2009 178 1000 | 1000 6 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Ramnicu Valcea Sewer Project ( R53) Romania 2009 461 500 | 1000 6 | 6 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sewerage and water supply networks in Huedin (R57 Romania 2009 3198 250 | 500 6 | 6 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Horezu ( R 521) Romania 2009 725 400 | 400 16 | 16 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Water Treatment Plant of Baia Mare Romania 2009 330 600 | 1000 1 | 6 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Galati Sewer Project ( R53) Romania 2009 2365 200 | 250 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Arad Sewer Project ( R531) Romania 2009 2458 1200 | 1200 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Sibiu Sewer Project ( R532) Romania 2009 614 1400 | 1400 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Bucharest Sewer Project ( R54) Romania 2009 2889 800 | 800 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Extension of water distribution in Siriu ( R542) Romania 2009 1786 700 | 700 16 | 16 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Baneasa Airport ( R547) Romania 2009 426 300 | 600 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Resita ( R55) Romania 2009 400 600 | 1000 6 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Cernavoda Sewer Project ( R537) Romania 2009 4406 200 | 500 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Mogosoaia Sewer Project ( R59) Romania 2009 1970 300 | 500 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Cernavoda Sewer Project ( R544) Romania 2009 10193 200 | 250 1 | 1 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Kühlwasserleitung für Kraftwerk Salzgitter Germany 2009 380 1400 | 1400 6 | 6 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Omlegging IVAR-ledning ved Moseid Norway 2009 341 1200 | 1200 16 | 16 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
McKinney Eastside Interceptor United States of America 2009 19300 Flowtite
CR APAC de Mequinenza Spain 2009 19000 500 | 900 10 | 20 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Terra Alta Balsa 2.1 Spain 2009 18386 600 | 1200 6 | 16 5000 | 10000 Flowtite
Colector Interceptor general de Santoña Laredo Colindres Spain 2009 1917 1500 | 1500 10 | 10 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
EDAR de Navalcarnero Spain 2009 111 1200 | 1200 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Col·lector distribució tram2. EDAR Bonavista Spain 2009 7632 700 | 700 10 | 10 10000 | 10000 Flowtite
Modernización del Canal Catalunya y Aragón_tomas 14 y 15 Spain 2009 8239 700 | 1000 6 | 10 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Obra Avinguda Pere el Cerimoniòs Spain 2009 589 1300 | 1300 1 | 1 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Emisario de pluviales de Melilla Spain 2009 204 1600 | 1600 6 | 10 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Recirculación caudales y acondicioamiento Motas Spain 2009 12156 1200 | 1200 10 | 25 5000 | 5000 Flowtite
Transf. regadío zona de Mequinenza Spain 2009 20722 500 | 900 10 | 20 10000 | 10000 Flowtite