Above Ground

LinkCountryYearTotal Length [m]Nominal Diameter DN [mm]Nominal Pressure PN [bar]Nominal Stiffness SN [N/m2]TechnologyPDF
Warszawa, Siekierkowski Bridge on the Wisla river Poland 2002 1425 300 | 400 1 10000 Hobas
Lublin, Poniatowskiego Viaduct Poland 2002 8 150 1 10000 Hobas
Bydgoszcz, Bridge on the Brda river Poland 2002 150 200 | 300 1 10000 Hobas
Burzenin, Bridge on the Warta river Poland 2002 348 250 1 10000 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Birmensdorf (Eggraintunnel) Switzerland 2002 120 200 10000 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Neuenhof Switzerland 2002 1238 200 | 300 2500 | 10000 Hobas
Karlovac, Dobra – bridge Croatia 2001 1200 300 1 2500 Hobas
Warszawa, Siekierkowski Bridge on the Wisla river Poland 2001 643 300 | 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Warszawa, Grota Roweckieg – Bridge on the Wisla river Poland 2001 35 1400 1 10000 Hobas
Czestochowa, Bridge on Regaliza river Poland 2001 144 300 1 10000 Hobas
Szcecin, Bridge on Parnica river Poland 2001 162 500 | 600 1 10000 Hobas
Czestochowa, Bridge on the Warta river Poland 2001 14 800 | 1000 1 10000 Hobas
Burzenin, Bridge on the Warta river Poland 2001 12 250 1 10000 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Raron (Lötschbergtunnel) Switzerland 2001 105 500 630 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Giswil Switzerland 2001 2400 300 2500 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Kriens Switzerland 2001 194 300 10000 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Flüelen Switzerland 2001 1205 300 2500 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Oenzberg-Tunnel Switzerland 2001 18 400 630 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Recherswil Switzerland 2001 75 300 2500 Hobas
Single and double pipelines in potable water protected areas Essen (Burgaltendorf) Germany 2001 1700 1600 | 1800 1 Hobas
GRP Pipes Protect Municipality against Flood Damage Austria 2001 112 700 | 2400 1 | 10 5000 Hobas
Karlovac, Drežnik – bridge Croatia 2000 5364 150 | 400 1 | 1 10000 | 2500 Hobas
Szczecin, stormwater sewer, Parnica Brige Poland 2000 42 800 1 10000 Hobas
Poznan, Viaduct number 4, Highway A2 Poland 2000 30 1200 1 10000 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Grenchen Switzerland 2000 300 2500 Hobas
Croatian Highway Bridge Drainage Systems Croatia 2000 7490 150 | 450 1 2500 | 10000 Hobas
Szentgotthard, Raba bridge Hungary 1999 80 250 | 350 1 5000 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Grenchen (Birchitunnel) Switzerland 1999 5400 300 2500 Hobas
Tunnel pipeline Spitalhof-Biberist Switzerland 1999 1700 300 2500 Hobas
HOBAS Drainage System for Gurk area Austria 1999 289 800 1 10000 Hobas