Declaración de Energía 100% sostenible Amiblu Pipes Spain

Amiblu Spain receives green energy certification

100% of the electric energy consumed by our plant in Camarles comes from renewable energy sources.
Wolfgang Stangassinger, CEO Amiblu Group

Amiblu Group appoints new CEO

A warm welcome to Wolfgang Stangassinger! Born in beautiful Austria, Wolfgang draws on international managing experience in various countries and industries, among them the water business.
Amiblu GRP pipes - designed for generations

GRP pipes are designed for generations.

A generations-long, low-maintenance service life: It's a promising claim that Amiblu makes about their GRP products. Our former Amiblu PDM Högni Jónsson tells us why we can confidently stand by our claim.
Triple Energy Stamp for Amiblu Spain

Triple Energy Stamp for Amiblu Spain

In the firm commitment to reduce environmental impacts, Amiblu Spain has obtained the triple energy stamp “Calculate, Reduce, Compensate”, awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.
Amiblu GFK-Rohre für Fluxys Regasifizierungsanlage in Zeebrugge (NL)

GRP pipes for the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal

One year ago, Amiblu began to work on the assembly of the new GRP pipelines in the expansion of the LNG plant for the Belgian energy company Fluxys, at the Zeebrugge terminal.
EU-Abgeordnete Anna Cavazzini auf Werksbesuch in Döbeln

EU delegate on a factory visit at Amiblu Germany

Anna Cavazzini, member of the European Parliament (Greens), visited our production facility in Döbeln, Germany.
Flowtite Grey pipes for safe and sustainable water supply in Bouaké, Ivory Coast

Safe and sustainable water supply in Ivory Coast with GRP

Following a severe period of draught, the city of Bouaké was provided with a new effective water management system. Amiblu supplied 70 km of GRP pipes for the project.
Amiblu GRP pipes for giant industrial WWTP in Tarragona

GRP pipes for giant industrial WWTP in Tarragona

1585 m of Amiblu GRP pipes and fittings in diameters from DN 150 to DN 900 have been installed for the new industrial wastewater treatment plant in Tarragona, Spain.
installation of Amiblu GRP retention tanks DN 2000 in the South Polish village of Pawłowice

Amiblu GRP retention system in Pawłowice, PL

The installation of a CC-GRP retention tank DN 2000 with 3 branches of 30 m each has been successfully completed in the Polish village Pawłowice.
Amiblu Xmas card 2022 cropped

Amiblu Season’s Greetings 2022

Thank you so much for your commitment and confidence in 2022. We wish you joyful Christmas holidays and a very happy and healthy New Year!
Amiblu Stream Magazine November 2022 cover

Amiblu Stream Magazine November 2022

The greenest pipe is the one you don’t have to replace: find out how we at Amiblu approach our green future in this brand new Stream magazine.
Hobas Regenwasser Geesthacht

Rainwater storage in Geesthacht, Germany

Thanks to great teamwork 66 m of DN 2000 and 27 m of DN 300 Hobas GRP pipes with compatible fittings and storages protect the area of Sparkenberg from flooding.
For us failure is not an option

For us, failure is not an option

Under an excessive strain in order to cause failure within a time frame, it turns out Amiblu GRP pipes can easily last for generations.
UN Global Compact

United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact encourages companies to create a culture of integrity across the organization, from strategy to operations.
Section of GRP diffuser ashore Enga WWTP

33 years of exposure to seawater

In 2008, after 33 years of exposure to seawater, a section of a Flowtite GRP pipe was brought ashore for analysis of its condition and mechanical properties. After cleaning parts of it, the pipe looked brand-new.
Water Crisis Dry River Bridge

We have enough water if we manage it well

More and more regions around the globe now feel the immediate results of a water crisis decades in the making.
UK Culvert Rehabilitation NC Line East Budleigh

East Budleigh, UK – NC Line Culvert Rehabilitation

The village features a bypass culvert, constructed in the 1970s. For this project it was decided that lining with a structural GRP segment lining system offered the best solution and Amiblu‘s NC Line, non-circular GRP Structural Relining system was selected.
4x more pipe than street construction Austria

4x more pipe construction under the earth than street construction above

In Austria, 4.3 billion euros are invested in the renovation of water pipes every year. Road construction come to just over one billion euros.
relining of 5 culverts with Amiblu NC profiles in Sarilhos Grandes

Amiblu NC profiles in Sarilhos Grandes, Portugal

Under a highway, you really don't want corroded steel pipes that structurally aren't safe anymore.
Amiblu team trees
GFK Mischwasserkanal in Wilhelmshaven
Sewer rehabilitation with Amiblu NC Line Screenshot Video|Kanalsanierung mit Amiblu NC Line Screenshot Video
Relining with GRP drainage pipes at Düsseldorf Airport
Ovadas penstock in Portugal - replacement of concrete pipe by GRP pipe