Green is more than a buzzword

Being green (aka environmentally conscious) can't be a poster on a wall, a video, or a social media campaign. Being green needs to be part of every aspect of the business. It needs to be a thought at the beginning of every project...not something you add afterward. It needs to be a story lived, not a story told. That's why we show you glimpses into every corner of Amiblu where we put our environment front and center.

We are official partner of World Engineering Day 2025 by UNESCO

Amiblu PROX – the next generation of low-carbon GRP pipes

Amiblu Poland’s factories now run on 100% renewable energy

Amiblu Technology Hub in Norway partners up with the Swedish Life Cycle Center

Video: What sustainability means to us

Amiblu GRP pipes replace old wooden penstock at HPP Auwehr

Amiblu Spain – first European factory of CO2 neutral GRP pipes

Less paper = one of our milestones towards a sustainable future

Amiblu Spain receives Energy Stamp “Calculate, Reduce, Compensate”

World microtunneling record on environmental remediation project

Only about 1 % of Earth’s freshwater can be used as drinking water

Cooling water system with Flowtite pressure pipes, Brazil

Globally, 35 % of all treated water is lost due to leaking pipes

Scotland, Balmoral Estates Hydro Energy with Flowtite pressure pipes

4x more pipe construction under the earth than street construction above

Microtunneling / pipe jacking with GRP pipes: A smart solution for sustainable infrastructure

Amiblu Water Facts | What saves 2.8 billion tons of CO2 every year?

Amiblu Water Facts | What could span the world 75 times?

Amiblu Water Facts | How much water do you eat every day?

Amiblu Water Facts | What is 11 times the distance between the Earth & the Moon?

Amiblu Water Facts | What started more than 7500 years ago in Mesopotamia?

Amiblu Water Facts | How much rain falls on the Earth’s surface in 1 year?

Amiblu Water Facts | What is drought-proof and practically limitless?

GRP tunnels for pedestrians and cyclists at the railway embankment

Inside Amiblu: Dr. Alexander Frech

Dr. Alexander Frech – European Climate Pact Ambassador

First Hobas CSO chamber south of the Alps successfully installed

GRP pipes add value for nature and citizens

Sustainable GRP pipe solution for nature protection area

Green power with GRP hydropower pipelines – clean energy from the power station Ebriachbach

Green power with GRP hydropower pipelines – clean energy from the power station NockEnergie Glanzer, AT

HOBAS GRP Pipes help produce 1.2 MW of clean energy in Sri Lanka

Amiblu Identity Video