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236 search results for: amiblu


Bradford UK – Reinforcement of the Bradford Beck culvert with Amiblu NC Line

Bradford Metropolitan Council proposed plans to refurbish an existing building, located in Bradford City Centre. Beneath the building lies the culverted Bradford Beck which runs diagonally through the middle of the site. During the refurbishment of the existing structure, it came to light that there were several cast iron beams located within the Bradford Beck […]


Amiblu Group appoints new CEO

A warm welcome to Wolfgang Stangassinger! Born in beautiful Austria, Wolfgang draws on international managing experience in various countries and industries, among them the water business.


Triple Energy Stamp for Amiblu Spain

In the firm commitment to reduce environmental impacts, Amiblu Spain has obtained the triple energy stamp “Calculate, Reduce, Compensate”, awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.



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Amiblu Entwässerungsleitung für Murkraftwerk Gratkorn, AT

Bei der Errichtung des Murkraftwerks Gratkorn in Österreich kamen für die Oberflächenentwässerung 3,2 km Amiblu GFK-Rohre sowie Tangentialschächte zum Einsatz. Techn. Daten / Projektdaten: Transportleitungen für Regenwasserentwässerung alle 100 Meter insgesamt 20 GFK-Tangentialschächte Entscheidungskriterien: geringes Eigengewicht und einfache Handhabung Rohr-in-Rohr-Transport (Nesting) ermöglicht einfache Handhabung, niedrige Transportkosten und weniger CO2-Ausstoß  


Large scale infrastructure project with Amiblu sewer pipes in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

An exciting project is currently underway in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. In the central part of the city, nearly 60 km of the water supply and sewage network are being replaced. Smart upgrades will allow city officials to accurately measure the flow and pressure in the network and prevent overflows during heavy rainfalls. In the past, […]


Sheffield, Waverley Pumping Station upgrade – Amiblu Jacking Pipes by Hobas

The former mining and steelworks site at Waverley in the City of Sheffield was chosen for regeneration with the creation of a new residential and commercial development. To accommodate for the increase in capacity, the local pumping station needed to be upgraded, along with almost 4,000 planned new homes, retail outlets and public amenities. To […]


Renovation of sewer system with Amiblu NC Line in Krakow

In Poland’s second largest city Krakow, an aged non-circular sewer was relined with 746 m of Amiblu NC Line pipes. The location close to a main artery and ongoing operations of the existing sewer line made the installation challenging.   The project “Water and sewage management in Kraków – stage V” is co-financed by the […]


Amiblu NC Line for combined sewer rehab in Hamburg

In Germany’s second largest city Hamburg, a sewer channel is called “Siel”. Hence the project name “Stammsiel Eilenau / Kuhmühlenstammsiel”, in the course of which a 1357 m long combined sewer channel was rehabilitated through relining of Amiblu NC Line pipe profiles. Reasons for the client Hamburger Stadtentwässerung to opt for Amiblu were the environmentally […]


West Midlands, Network Rail arch shaped culvert, structural reline with Amiblu NC Line

The culvert known to Network Rail as RBS2/57A Tipton, over which run two non-electrified tracks, is a 68 m long brick built arch construction with a constantly flowing water course running through it. Over time, the culvert had suffered wear and tear and required maintenance before it was too late and would need to be […]


Cooling water system by Amiblu for thermoelectric plants in Bolivia

In 2016, the Spanish construction company TSK was awarded one of the most important agreements in its history: Together with the German company Siemens, TSK was to build three thermoelectric plants located in the Bolivian cities of Santa Cruz, Tarija, and Cochabamba, which will increase the installed power in Bolivia by 50 %.   For […]


Turning ocean into drinking water with Amiblu GRP

The newly built Ensenada Desalination Plant provides valuable drinking water for the inhabitants of the Mexican coastal city. Amiblu designed, supplied and installed the required piping for this sophisticated application and fully supported the client with thorough analyses, performance tests, and customized accessories.   250 liters per second, 21.6 million liters per day: That’s the […]


Amiblu GRP pipes for stormwater drainage system at Kraków Airport

Two powerful brands make an even more powerful solution: A combination of filament wound Flowtite and centrifugally cast Hobas pipes by Amiblu is being installed to build a new, highly efficient stormwater sewer system for Kraków Airport. The new underground infrastructure is an important cornerstone for the airport’s increasing importance in international aviation. Since its […]


World Environment Day 2024

This year’s World Environment Day 2024 focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”


Unterquerung der Elm-Lappwald-Bahn mit GFK-Vortriebsrohren

Mit Spezialrohren zum Ziel   Im Frühling 2017 begann die Abwasserentsorgung Helmstedt mit der baulichen Umsetzung des Projektes „Oberflächenwasserableitung Sternberger Teich“. Durch die Reduzierung der Mischwassermenge soll die örtliche Abwasserbehandlungsanlage entlastet und die Reinigungsleistung verbessert werden; darüber hinaus geht es darum, die hydraulische Belastung des vorhandenen Kanalnetzes zu verringern. Hierfür wird nach den Plänen von […]


GRP pipes are designed for generations.

A generations-long, low-maintenance service life: It’s a promising claim that Amiblu makes about their GRP products. Our former Amiblu PDM Högni Jónsson tells us why we can confidently stand by our claim.


400m³ Stauraumkanal Künzelsau mit Amiscreen

Hightech im Untergrund   Wirtschaftlicher Stauraumkanal im Durchlaufbeckenprinzip Im baden-württembergischen Künzelsau entstand im Uferbereich des Flusses Kocher ein Regenüberlaufbecken in Form eines in Deutschland bislang einzigartigen Stauraumkanals mit untenliegendem Klärüberlauf und obenliegendem Beckenüberlauf. Ziel war es, die hohe Schmutzfracht zu reduzieren, die bei Regenereignissen in den Fluss eingetragen wurde. Zum Einsatz kam ein GFK-Stauraumkanal von […]


300 m³ GFK-Stauraumsystem Borken

Hochwasserschutz mit Amiblu Im Zuge des Klimawandels und der damit einhergehenden Starkregenereignisse ist ein vorausschauender Hochwasserschutz in Wohngebieten besonders wichtig. Im Borkener Stadtteil Gemen hat man dazu Vorkehrungen getroffen: Zum Einsatz kamen GFK-Rohre von Amiblu, die als Stauraumsystem mit einem Volumen von 300 m3 für Sicherheit sorgen. Verschiedene Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen sind bereits umgesetzt. Die größte davon […]


GFK-Schmutzwassersammler für Unterflurtrasse der Koralmbahn

Der neue Freispiegelkanal aus Amiblu GFK-Rohren DN 700, PN 1, SN 10000 ermöglicht den Verzicht von Pumpen (Energieeinsparung) und bietet Potenzial für Geländeerschließungen im Grazer Umland. Entscheidungskriterien: ‒ leicht zu transportieren und zu verlegen ‒ Beständigkeit gegen Korrosion ‒ gute Erfahrungen bei anderen Projekten Pünktliche Lieferungen, schnelle Verlegung Das Gewicht der GFK-Rohre beträgt nur ein […]


Erneuerung eines Mischwasserkanals in Krems, AT

Unter der stark befahrenen Ringstraße in Krems ersetzt ein neuer Mischwasserkanal aus GFK-Rohren ca. 110 Jahre alte Beton-Eiprofilrohre wegen altersbedingter Schäden und Erneuerungsbedarf. Innerstädtisches Infrastrukturprojekt Techn. Daten / Projektdaten: ‒ Mischwasserkanal unter stark befahrener Ringstraße ‒ geringes Gefälle ‒ 12 Tangentialschächte Entscheidungskriterien: ‒ leicht zu transportieren und zu verlegen ‒ Beständigkeit gegen Korrosion ‒ glatten […]


Plovdiv is ready for the future – reconstruction of the sewer network in Bulgaria

The first dig of one of the largest construction sites in Plovdiv was made in November 2021 as a part of the Municipality Water Project. The construction activities include the reconstruction of the sewerage and water supply network on the boulevards “Danube” and “Brezovsko Shosse”. Amiblu pipes play a decisive role in the project: about […]


33 years of exposure to seawater

In 2008, after 33 years of exposure to seawater, a section of a Flowtite GRP pipe was brought ashore for analysis of its condition and mechanical properties. After cleaning parts of it, the pipe looked brand-new.


East Budleigh, UK – NC Line Culvert Rehabilitation

The village features a bypass
culvert, constructed in the 1970s.
For this project it was decided that lining with a structural GRP segment lining system offered the best solution and Amiblu‘s NC Line, non-circular GRP Structural Relining system was selected.


Maidstone, UK – NC Line Culvert Strengthening

Kent County Council‘s programme of planned highways maintenance works to be carried out during 2019 – 2021 included strengthening works to structures such as the Raigersfeld Culvert situated beneath the A20 Ashford Road, Maidstone, Kent. Following on from previous culvert rehabilitation works for Kent County Council, Steadline Ltd. were once again comissioned to make the […]


Scotland, Balmoral Estates Hydro Energy with Flowtite pressure pipes

Hydropower supplies more than 70% of all renewable electricity worldwide. For over a century the UK has generated hydroeletric power by harnessing fast flowing water to turn turbines to generate electricity. In 1898 during the reign of Victoria, the first hydroelectric turbine was installed to provide electric light to Balmoral Castle, since then two further […]


Rury Hobas PU Line w projekcie budowy zbiornika Roztoki Bystrzyckie

System przelewowy suchego zbiornika przeciwpowodziowego Od tzw. powodzi tysiąclecia, która nawiedziła południową i zachodnią Polskę, Czechy, wschodnie Niemcy oraz Austrię, a także północno-zachodnią Słowację, minęło już ponad 20 lat. Przez ten czas, od 1997 r., w zakresie ochrony zrobiono wiele – ale nadal konieczne są inwestycje w rozwiązania mające na celu zmniejszenie kulminacji fal powodziowych oraz […]


Regenwassermanagement in Mülheim an der Ruhr

  Stimmiges Regenwassermanagement mit Amiblu GFKRohren und Flüssigboden Dünnwandig, aber trotzdem stabil, dabei leicht und auf der Baustelle gut zu händeln: In der Mülheimer Papenbuschstraße erwiesen sich GFK-Rohre von Amiblu sowohl für die auftraggebende medl GmbH als auch für die ausführende Geo-Bau GmbH & Co. KG als optimale Lösung. In Kombination mit Flüssigboden konnte auf […]


Reference Form

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Kent, Brewers Bridge, Culvert strengthening with Hobas relining pipes

Kent County Council‘s programme of planned highways maintenance works to be carried out during 2019 – 2021 included strengthening works to structures such as the Brewers Bridge Culvert in Worth, Kent.   Worth is a small picturesque village situated near Sandwich in East Kent which has a population of circa 1000 and a central conservation […]


Preston WwTW, resilient stormwater management with Flowtite biaxial & pressure pipes

During AMP 6 United Utilities invested £20m into Preston WwTW to improve performance and resilience. Flowtite GRP Biaxial and Pressure Pipes have been installed to assist with achieving project objectives.   Preston WwTW serves a population in excess of 250,000 within the Borough of Preston and the South Ribble Districts.  The Preston Storm Tank Project […]


GRP pipes in excellent condition after 33 years in seawater

In 1975, 1500 m of Flowtite pipes were installed as subaqueous marine outfall of the Enga wastewater treatment plant in the Norwegian town of Sandefjord. In 2008, one pipe section was brought ashore to evaluate its condition. The result: A fully functional pipe with very good mechanical properties. The outfall of the Enga wastewater treatment […]


GRP pipes help modernize combined sewer system in France

Hobas and Flowtite GRP pipes were installed as part of a new storage system in the city of Clermont-Ferrand. They ensure that the combined sewage is reliably discharged without harming the environment.   The French city of Clermont-Ferrand and its metropolitan area are mainly equipped with combined sewer networks that transport both stormwater and wastewater. […]


From sea to peak: Flowtite GRP penstock for Breivikelva hydropower plant

1026 m Flowtite GRP pressure pipes DN 1200 are currently being installed as part of the penstock for the new hydropower plant Breivikelva in northern Norway. The challenging geographic conditions called for a special multi-stage delivery approach via ship, helicopter, and trucks. The municipality of Beiarn is located just north of the Arctic Circle, in […]


Bournemouth, Braidley Road, deteriorated sewer restored preventing collapse with Flowtite relining pipes

The existing 1050 mm diameter PCC combined sewer running through Braidley Road in Bournemouth was found to be defective and with the surrounding ground conditions being very fine sand, it was imperative that the asset was structurally repaired before any further deterioration occurred risking a potential collapse leading to a sink hole opening up in […]


Bournemouth, Percy Road, deteriorated sewer restored preventing collapse with Flowtite relining pipes

A large 1.8 m ID tunnel runs through Bournemouth carrying the combined foul and surface water to the various sewage treatment works across the network. The local geology of the Bournemouth area consists mainly of fine sand. A defect was spotted in the road, which caused it to be closed and emergency works began to repair […]


East Anglia, H₂S corroded sewer restoration with Flowtite relining pipes

In the British city of Norwich, the life of a corroded sewer has been extended with Flowtite GRP relining pipes. Thanks to the innovative design and a collaborative approach, the initially estimated carbon emissions were reduced by 55 %.   Norwich’s main trunk sewer had been found to be in extremely poor structural condition: Hydrogen […]


Customized and leakproof: NC profiles reline blackwater sewer

In the north-Italian city of Piacenza, three different non-circular GRP pipe profiles by Amiblu (one egg profile, two mouth profiles) have been used for rehabilitating a number of old sewer channels with a total length of 589 m. The hydraulic and structural properties of the existing pipelines were no longer sufficient. The new NC pipes […]


First CSO chamber on Austrian soil successfully installed

An Amiblu CSO chamber has recently been installed in the Austrian town of Mautern. The structure is more than 10 m long and consists of centrifugally cast Hobas GRP pipes with different diameters: A main pipe DN 1200, an overflow pipe DN 900, plus two manholes DN 800. Six integrated, self-cleaning screening elements (GRP bars) […]


Record sewer jacking with Flowtite pipes in Poznań

The condition of the existing sewer collector “Junikowski” in the Polish city of Poznań had deteriorated over the years. On the section from Samotna street to Głogowska street it could no longer handle the growing demands. Since an expansion was no option, it had to be renewed. Amiblu Poland produced and supplied the required pipes […]


GRP sewer pipes installed in Luxembourgian nature reserve

For a new sewer main in the municipality of Bettembourg, Flowtite GRP pipes DN 1200 and OD 1280 were installed in open trench and jacked underneath a highway. In order to restrict the flow to the wastewater treatment plant Peppange and allow for a temporary storage of the accumulating water volume, the municipality of Bettembourg […]


Multi-purpose top-performance GRP culvert for Switzerland

A stream nearby Zurich was culverted with highly abrasion resistant Hobas PU Line pipes. Special features: a fish ladder, sediment barriers, and a water duct. Ländenbach is a small stream flowing through Wetzikon, a municipality in the Zurich Highlands. In autumn of 2018, it was decided to culvert a section of the stream flowing through […]


Hobas and Flowtite “double feature” in the Netherlands

The water authority of Friesland, Wetterskip Fryslan, ordered 3 Amiblu GRP sinker pipelines to upgrade an existing irrigation system. Frequent high groundwater levels posed a problem to the local agriculture and the authority wanted to find a way to better manage its irrigation networks. Amiblu provided the client with a custom-tailored solution: Three GRP pipelines […]


805 m³ storage chamber with Amiscreen installed in Bavaria

The old local rainwater storage basin in the Bavarian municipality of Weißenohe had been built over 40 years ago. With a capacity of 540 m³, it was no longer able to handle the growing storage demands. Due to the chamber’s location directly underneath the railway station, an extension was not possible. Therefore, the wastewater association […]


First Hobas CSO chamber south of the Alps successfully installed

In October 2017, the municipality of Castel San Pietro in the Swiss Canton of Ticino has been provided with a sustainable, environmentally friendly solution for its sewer system: More than 40 interested people watched a Hobas CSO chamber being installed in the astonishing time of merely one day. The structure reliably separates suspended solids from […]


Large Diameter Sewer Relining with NC Line in Southern France

In the surroundings of Toulon on the Mediterranean coast of France, a 6400-m long sewer channel is being rehabilitated. The challenging relining installation include works in more than 100 m depth. While the installation of tailor-made non-circular GRP half pipes is completed, the last phase of the project has started and should end beginning of […]


First Large-Scale Hobas GRP Jacking Project in the World

Hobas made its debut with centrifugally cast GRP jacking pipes in 1982. Before then, the pipes had only been used on some test construction sites in northern Germany for pushes of up to 50 meters. The world‘s first large and technically highly demanding jacking project with GRP products was undertaken at Hamburg‘s customs port. A […]


210 m³ Amiscreen storage sewer in Zwickau

An impressive Amiblu storage sewer with integrated Amiscreen system was successfully installed in the German city of Zwickau. Waterworks Zwickau opted for Flowtite GRP pipes by Amiblu to realize the sewer; concrete pipes were no option due to their bigger wall thickness and respectively smaller capacity at same diameter. Further decisive factors were the GRP […]